Hello German Shepherd Puppies owners and breeders:

On Tuesday Ohio, one of the centers of puppy mill style dog breeders, known for their cruelty to their animals, finally passed a landmark bill.  The bill restricts the ability of breeders to mistreat the dogs they are raising for sale. Ohio had virtually no legal oversight of breeders and became an unregulated epicenter for puppy mills,  They keep their dogs in confined, cruel and unsanitary conditions, a strategy for maximizing profit.   I can’t imagine this happening to these beautiful German shepherd puppies.

The Ohio Law, among other things, “requires state licensing and inspection of breeders who annually sell 60 dogs or at least nine litters; authorizes Ohio’s agriculture director to specify standards of care; and denies licensing to anyone convicted of animal cruelty in the last 20 years.”

We at Banffy Haus only do 4-6 litters per year.  Please take a look at our amazing kennels and nursery, where classical music and hymns are piped in to toasty young pups on sweet smelling cedar chips, fed only the finest, Royal Canin, lounging casually in a large whelping box.  I am so proud of how serious my family is about how we treat our dogs and how much concern they all have for the puppies we whelp.  That is why I want to complete the construction of my kennel design page with videos and articles.  Then hobby breeders can see a reasonably priced way to do it well, and create a superior environment in a well planned micro-kennel.  Visit our home page at Banffy Haus.

Some of these poor animals suffer from dental disease, eye infections, ear infections, covered in feces and urine.  It is about time that the government stepped in to stop this travesty.  There is absolutely no possible rational for this despicable behavior.  We as German shepherd owners need to stand firm against this unforgivable behavior.